Have comments, questions, or other “best places” for us to include or want information on advertising opportunities, contact us via the form below.
Contact Us at MontrealsBestPlaces.com
Note: MontrealsBestPlaces.com is a media resource that features best places and things to do in Montreal. We don’t run our own events or provide individual tourist-information services. We are simply an online media resource.
If you have questions about a specific event, please contact the event’s organizer directly or check out the event’s official website. If you are the organizer of an event, however, and want to tell us about it or advertise with us, we’d love to hear from you! We can’t post information about every event, but we do like to be aware of what’s going on in town. Also, if you see something that’s missing on our website, or something that’s not quite correct, let us know!
Our mailing address is the following:
MontrealsBestPlaces.com c/o PR Loyalty Solutions PO Box 37017 2032 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 4M4